
一切开始的地方! 急救医疗技术员 (EMT) is the stepping stone to all 急救医疗服务职业. 你对医学,帮助别人, 成为一名消防员,在社区做志愿者? 如果是这样,EMT培训将会 提供对许多不同职业的见解. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台提供EMT 一年分春秋两季.

的 field of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is built upon a foundation that begins with basic CPR/First Aid and ends with the advanced care provided by a Paramedic. Throughout EMS, you will find various levels of education that all focus toward the “生存链”. This chain of survival is an ideal of how patients can best be treated, whether suffering a heart attack or being involved in a motor vehicle accident.

  • EMT is the basic certification level that comprises the largest population of EMS 急救人员,通常被认为是EMS的中坚力量.
  • EMT的基本救生技能包括:
    • 出血控制
    • 稳定骨折
    • 协助患者服药
    • providing oxygen and other necessities to avoid the development/progression of shock
    • 送去急诊室
  • EMT's in Washington State are also trained to place intermediate airway devices, administer epinephrine to patients in anaphylactic shock and use semi-automated external defibrillators.

Please take the time to attend one of the EMT, Paramedic or Fire Science Information 会话. Your questions will be answered by an Advisor/Counselor or a program representative.

参观 网赌正规真人实体在线平台活动日历 to find the next available session and register to attend or email cbcoutreachFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN 寻求帮助.

Information sessions are scheduled for one hour and are free and open to anyone interested 在加拿大广播公司网赌正规真人实体在线平台项目.


EMT课程的申请现已开放. 请阅读申请表 carefully and thoroughly for due dates and required documentation. 应用程序 is available for Spring quarter, April 2024, and Fall quarter, September 2024. 的 EMT申请过程竞争激烈. 申请人必须年满18岁 他们申请的季度初.

的 EMT courses have been changed from evening courses to a day courses.
的ory and lab will both be held on Tuesday and Thursday; theory at 10am - 1pm and 每天下午2:30 - 5:30进行实验.

的re are no academic prerequisites to take the EMT course. 但是,下面的内容 强烈推荐以下课程:

•完成HSCI 147 -医学术语


的 following criteria are required to apply to the EMT program:
  • a typed letter of intent outlining how the applicant plans to use their EMT certification
  • 申请人必须年满18岁
  • 有有效的驾驶执照吗
  • 两封推荐信
  • take the EMT entrance exam and participate in an 评估

的 EMT entrance exam is mandatory to be considered for acceptance into the program. Applicants who do not attend the exam will be disqualified from the application process.

Criteria for the 评估 is teamwork, communication 技能, reading and comprehension 技能.

Students are accepted based on the scores received from the EMT entrance exam and 评估.

Accepted students will receive an email outlining the next steps to start the program such as starting a background check with the college approved vendor, drug screening, immunizations, textbook and agree to a specific code of ethics.

Accepted students will be required to attend a training class for the American Heart 协会BLS供应商CPR认证. 这门课必须出席 所有学生.

的 Advanced EMT program is not being offered at this time. 请观看此网页 有关该计划何时提供的信息.

每个州,哥伦比亚特区和美国.S. 被保护人的职业各不相同 they require to be licensed and the educational requirements for those licenses. 这是 important to understand whether the degree or certificate you obtain from 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 will meet the educational eligibility requirements for a license in the state in which 你打算练习.




国家背景调查 & 药物筛选要求

As part of the admission requirements for Health Science programs, applicants must successfully pass a criminal background check and drug screen prior to working with 临床领域患者. 的 background check and drug screen are paid by the student 并由第三方公司管理, CastleBranch. In addition to the background check required by 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, each clinical facility reserves the right to conduct its own criminal background check prior to allowing a student to enter its health care facilities for clinical participation.

Certain criminal convictions, pending charges or negative actions may automatically disqualify a person from having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults, juveniles 和孩子. Clinical facilities reserve the right to accept or decline a student’s 安置在其设施内.     

EMT 技能 can be useful for other careers and employment opportunities such as:

  • 消防队员
  • 警察
  • 军人
  • 急诊室(ER)技术人员
  • 调度程序
  • 紧急反应小组
  • 酒店、娱乐和邮轮行业
  • 公共教育
  • 滑雪巡逻

项目学习成果 for the 急救医疗技术员 Short-Term Certificate

Program learning outcomes are the knowledge, 技能, and abilities that students will 在毕业前取得成就. 下面的结果是由教师开发的 the 急救医疗技术员 program with input from accrediting bodies, advisory 委员会、雇主等. This collaboration ensures that the outcomes are relevant 这个学位所导向的职业.


  1. Comprehend, apply, and evaluate information relative to the role of an entry-level EMT. 
  2. Demonstrate technical proficiency in all of the 技能 necessary to fulfill the role 的入门级 EMT. 
  3. Use critical thinking 技能, demonstrate the appropriate and correct application of psycho-motor 技能 and exhibit the appropriate behavior to effectively, and safely 管理应急场景. 

In addition, upon course completion, the EMT candidate will be eligible to sit for the National Registry of 急救医疗技术员 Exam.


  • 电子邮件:healthsciences@jinken-fukuoka.com

  • 电话:509-544-8300

  • 地址:北门博士940号.华盛顿州里奇兰,99352三楼

  • 办公时间:星期一至四:上午七时至下午四时三十分星期五:上午7时至中午
